Apr 27, 2009

Through Black Spruce

I do plan to work my way through all of the Giller Prize winners, and one of the first was Through Black Spruce. Joseph Boyden brought light to a part of Canada I've never been to, don't know anybody from there, and really I don't know anything about. Well, part of the book being as it hopped between major cities and the boondocks. I found the characters intertwining pasts, their mysterious current life and the journey finding themselves completely enveloping. So encompassed I was with the book that I didn't notice I'd run out of pages... you know that feeling of dread you get when you know that soon your joy of reading will soon end because the amount of pages can be held back with your fingernail... or is that just me? While I was was satisfied with this book I felt a need to read more of Boyden's books, and so I shall.

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