Apr 27, 2009


A look at advertising under a new light, a scientific slant; the study of how the human brain works when shopping and how we think it works (which is wrong!). Martin Lindstrom's book Buyology: Truth and Lies About Why We Buy takes an alternative view to the classic selling tactics that are taught ad nauseam in marketing classes. After reading this I have attempted to become more aware of how my thoughts direct me in my purchasing decisions; like the fact that I won't always pick the cheapest brand, or how there are some brands that have so solidified my loyalties they'd have to really screw up to lose my business. As far as how this affects my professional life as a graphic designer, well - I see a long hard road for anyone who reads this book and tries to put it into practice. To change people's ideals of what sells, after years of having pounded into them that repetition repetition repetition works (and other such sells) how can we now go to them with and entire different line? Especially if they're absolutely convinced that it is their business card that sells best. (Tongue in cheek here!) Really most advertising will have to be re-worked in this new age of internet, dvds, kindle and dvr (aka tivo). Note: I listened to this book on audio. Excellent Read!

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