Apr 15, 2008

The Gum Thief by Douglas Coupland

I've got to say, Mr. Coupland is most definitely my favorite author of late. I am rarely dissatisfied with his books... and have you caught CBCs jPod? So awesome.

So, anyways, The Gum thief is another gem. I always suggest Mr. Coupland's work, and this is no different. I felt like I was each different character, even in the fragmented way the story comes through. I felt what the character was feeling, their emotions, failures and success'. Just another tribute to Mr. Coupland's outstanding writing, I can't wait to see what's next.

Tongue in Cheek: Maybe he'll even save the world...if it could be done, he'd be the one!

BTW... the tv execution of jPod is really beyond awesome... I know I'm addicted to the good ole television, but i truly adore this show and again can not wait until the next season!

PPS: I didn't know the CBC had cancelled jPod! Ughh! Go to Save jPod to sign the petition they've got going. The link to the petition os on the right, and remember to confirm your email address! gee whiz people!

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